Friday, 25 April 2014


1. Barley - Good for fever if made soup.

2. Dates - The Prophet of the house that does not have a date is like a home with no food.

3. Canned Fruit - Fruit from Heaven. Can cure hemorrhoids.

4. Grapes - Allah's love grapes. It purifies the blood, strengthens the kidneys, cleanse the stomach.

5. Nectar - It is food for the food, drink all the drink, drugs of all drugs. Treat diarrhea when mixed with hot water, open the appetite, strengthen the stomach, removes phlegm. Diminun good morning with warm water.

6. Melon (All Types) - The Prophet of pregnant women will not fail to deliver their good terms karater and face.

7. Milk - The Prophet of hot milk to get rid of the body such as hands removes sweat from the brow. Strengthen the back, improve brain renew eyes, remove forgetfulness.

8. Mushrooms - Good for your eyes, family planning.

9. Olive Oil - Treatment of skin and hair. Anti-aging, treat inflammation of the stomach.

10. Pomegranate - Clears the body of Satan & the whispers of Satan for 40 days.

11. Vinegar - Prophet constantly consumed with olive oil (a popular trend in Italian restaurants).

12. The Water - the best drink. If thirst to be sucked slowly. Do diteguk. Easy to get sick at heart.

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